11. Sınıf İngilizce A2.1 MEB Cevapları Sayfa 51

Sayfadaki F etkinliği cevapları:
1. Carson is older than McKenzie.
2. Carson is taller and thinner than McKenzie.
3. Carson is more active than McKenzie.
4. McKenzie is slower than Carson.
5. McKenzie is more friendly than Carson.
Sayfadaki G etkinliği cevapları:
Sayfadaki TİME TO READ C etkinliği cevapları:
1. They are identical twins.
2. One of them is at golf course. The other one is at a clothes shop.
3. Because the same think happins very often.
Sayfadaki TİME TO READ D etkinliği cevapları:
1. Christina works at a clothes shop. Pamela doesn’t work. She has time with her friends.
2. Pamela calls the mother.
3. She goes to Christina’s clothes shop first.
4. She goes to wrong place because she thinks Christina calls her.
5. They are late to pick up Pamela. But the twins understand the problem and smile.


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